Mr. Schröder's life is too short for barriers - and yours?
Mr. Schröder's cell phone rings again! It's Saturday evening and the hard-working parking manager has ordered his favorite dish at his favorite Asian restaurant. He has been working hard all week and has more than earned this treat. The crispy duck not only smells fantastic, it also looks great! It is served with a steaming mountain of mie noodles with bean sprouts, carrots and onions: everything is perfectly prepared! His mouth is watering and he reaches for it... But it's not meant to be: his boss is on the phone, he has to go!

Mr. Schröder actually likes his job. But not right now. He manages several restricted parking areas and one of the fault-prone barrier systems has just ruined his weekend. They break down at any time of day or night. Then he has to rush to the parking area and free the locked-in parkers. All too often, his boss takes him out of his weekend, as he did today, and his work-life balance suffers.
But Mr. Schröder is experienced. He knows all the tricks and has quickly repaired the barrier. At least the parkers' weekend is saved, they can drive freely again! For Mr. Schröder, however, Saturday is over. He has to take a shower and change his clothes.
Mr. Schröder goes to the movies
After the lost Saturday, Mr. Schröder has plucked up new courage and a plan! Today he's going to the cinema: it's Thursday evening and his favorite director's new film is showing. He has booked one of the best seats in the theater online in good time. He missed the annoying adverts and the opening scenes, he just had to do a few quick things for his boss. Instead, he is now equipped with popcorn and a large Coke on his way to his comfortable movie seat. He has chosen a seat in the middle of the row for the best view of the screen. He now regrets this somewhat, as he has to squeeze past several other moviegoers to get there. He gets some nasty looks!

Finally done. Now he's sitting comfortably, the movie is playing, it's finally closing time... or is it? His cell phone rings, in all the hectic rush he has forgotten to mute it! How unpleasant. The people sitting next to him look annoyed again: "Shh!" he hears from all sides. He answers the call as quickly as he can with a cell phone that he still has to fumble out of his trouser pocket without dropping his popcorn and Coke, just so it stops ringing! A mistake: his boss is on the line, once again one of the barriers is broken. He has to go and squeezes past the person sitting next to him again. A murmur goes through the hall as he blocks the view of the screen on his way to the exit.
He can't be seen in this movie theater anymore! And for what? By the time he arrives at the parking lot, the parkers will have been waiting half an hour for a free ride - too long to say a friendly "thank you". He will have to get a reprimand there too. Once again he thinks: "My life is too short for barriers!"
Would you also like to get rid of the barriers in your parking spaces?
ContactArrange a non-binding appointment hereMr. Schröder has a date
Today, defective barriers are not Mr. Schröder's problem. He has the day off. And he has a date. After long phone calls and funny chats, he finally meets Valerie today! He's really looking forward to the evening, has dressed up and picked Valerie up at home. She is wearing an elegant dress and he finds her even prettier than in the photos they have exchanged. He can hardly believe his luck, because she is just as likeable as she was in the chats and phone calls. She is definitely his dream girl! And so far the evening has been fantastic: a romantic candlelit dinner in a small restaurant, followed by a walk together under the stars, has brought him and Valerie closer together! Now he has driven her to her front door. They look deep into each other's eyes, their faces get closer and closer, and the time has come: the first kiss! But then - how could it be otherwise - Mr. Schröder's cell phone rings. Out of habit, he answers it, not even noticing the disappointment on Valerie's face: "Yes! Okay, I'm coming." It's Mr. Schröder's boss again; as always, he has chosen the most inopportune moment to send Mr. Schröder to repair a broken barrier.

Instead of ending the beautiful evening together with Valerie, Mr. Schröder dutifully makes his way to the parking lot, repairs a barrier on his day off and perhaps even risks the love of his life for his job!
"No!" he thinks to himself, "That must be more efficient."
Mr. Schröder opts for a world without barriers
And this time he is doing something! He knows that barrier-based parking management systems have long been the method of choice in parking management. But Mr. Schröder wants to move with the times: A digital solution is needed! Because digitalization is becoming more and more prevalent in parking management - as it is everywhere in everyday life. Why should Mr. Schröder continue to sacrifice his valuable free time when software, artificial intelligence and scanners can easily replace barriers?
It could look like this:
The hard-working parking lot manager thinks: "Life is too short for barriers and calls Peter Park !
Do you feel like Mr. Schröder? If your life is also too short for barriers, then give us a call on +49 89 21 53 65 42 and replace your barriers with license plate scanners! It's worth it, because with Peter Park you can enjoy your delicious meal undisturbed. With Peter Park Park you stay in the movie theater until the credits roll. And with Peter Park Park you can kiss your attractive date.